HRSA's Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2024 Now Open


From HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Colleagues:

We are excited to invite our Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) recipients to participate in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Grantee Satisfaction Survey (GSS) 2024! The survey launched yesterday, April 29, and it will remain open for six weeks. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to enhance our support for our Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and HAB EHE-funded organizations.

Based on your feedback, HRSA’s 2024 survey has been revamped and now features more questions related to your specific grants. In past years, HRSA asked about your experience as a grant organization; this year, we look forward to learning more about your specific grants and programs so that we can learn how better to support you in the application process, in communications, in training and technical assistance, and much more!

To participate, please click on your unique survey link sent to you via email yesterday. HRSA is sending surveys to each project director to help HRSA better understand and improve your recipient experience. We encourage you to provide confidential feedback and to complete the survey between now and June 10. Your confidential responses help HRSA take concrete actions to:

  • Understand your needs better
  • Improve our guidance and assistance
  • Tailor our services to serve you better
  • Advance HRSA’s mission

Thank you for your continued partnership in our mission to improve health outcomes and achieve health equity. Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you,
Laura Cheever and Heather Hauck
Office of the Associate Administrator


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