This HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau pre-application webinar is for the funding opportunity, Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV who are Unsheltered – Capacity Builder Provider (HRSA-25-055) and Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV who are Unsheltered – Evaluation Provider (HRSA-25-057).
Under this notice, HRSA will fund:
- One organization under the announcement Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV who are Unsheltered – Capacity Builder Provider (HRSA-25-055).
- One organization under the announcement Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV who are Unsheltered – Evaluation Provider (HRSA-25-057).
Together with the 10 organizations that will be funded under the announcement Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV who are Unsheltered - Demonstration Sites (HRSA-25-056), the Capacity Building Provider and the Evaluation Provider will collaborate within this initiative, using an implementation science approach to adapt, document, evaluate, and disseminate street medicine interventions for people with HIV.
If you are not able to join through your computer, you can call in: 833-568-8864 - Meeting ID: 160 375 2215 - Passcode: eXFi7WRm
Have questions? Contact Joanne Hsu, Ph: 301-443-2550; Email: [email protected]
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