Collaborations, Partnerships, and Stakeholder Involvement/PLWH and Community Engagement

IHAP TA Center

Please note: We combined these two sections as each section captures similar, and related information.

Selected Sections

The following three sections are examples of strong collaboration, partnerships, stakeholder involvement/people with HIV and community engagement sections developed by jurisdictions. Each document contains a cover sheet with the jurisdiction information and why the section was identified as exemplary.

Selection Criteria

Exemplary collaboration, partnerships, stakeholder involvement/people with HIV and community engagement sections met the following criteria (based on the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance):

  • Description of the specific contributions of those involved with plan development
  • Description of stakeholders and partners not involved in the planning process, but who are needed to more effectively improve outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum
  • Significant involvement of people with HIV in plan development
  • Involvement of those at risk in plan development
  • Plans with particularly strong aspects were chosen to be featured.

Please note that those featured do not include all Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan sections that are exemplary.