An Innovative Approach for Improving STI Screening and Treatment Among Those with or Vulnerable to HIV Acquisition (CareSouth)

This webinar features an intervention designed to improve routine screening, testing, and treatment of common STIs. Addressing STIs: Ask. Test. Treat. Repeat. features a series of four evidence-based intervention components for people of lower income with HIV or with risk behaviors for HIV acquisition. The intervention includes: 

  1. An audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI)-administered sexual history survey,
  2. Client self-collection of urogenital and extragenital site Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) specimens,
  3. Sexual and gender minority welcoming indicators.
  4. Provider training of stigma reducing strategies. 

These components were designed to improve routine screening, testing, and treatment of common bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in HIV primary care clinics. The initiative integrates evidence-based interventions into routine, primary HIV care without adding extensive burden to the clients and clinical team. The intervention is implemented at the individual and system level.

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