Compendium of Evidence-informed Approaches to Improving Health Outcomes for People Living with HIV

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Compendium of Evidence-informed Approaches to Improving Health Outcomes for People Living with HIV cover

Implementation guides on evidence-informed best practices in HIV care delivery, designed for replication by HIV primary care agencies. 

These interventions have been proven effective in engaging people with HIV who are not receiving HIV care or who are at risk of falling out of care. Each summary outlines the intervention components, outcomes, cost information (where available), and known challenges and solutions. Supplementary resources, such as publications and job aids, are also included.

Most documents are available in English and Spanish.


  • A tailored service delivery model, which includes increasing access to supportive services and providing HIV care services in community settings.
  • Mobile application that utilizes gamification to increase health and psychological self-management and assists case managers with connecting with clients.
  • Link-Up Rx is a data to care (D2C) program that aims to increase retention in care and viral suppression among people with HIV by using prescription refill information to decrease the length of time between refills and reduce antiretroviral therapy (ART) interruption.
  • The Leveraging Housing Opportunities to Promote Retention in Care for People with HIV program in New York City offers three types of housing-related supportive services.
  • CrescentCare seeks to start all people with HIV who have been newly diagnosed on antiretroviral therapy (ART) within 72 hours of diagnosis. The intervention provided a 24-hour navigator to coordinate linkage services and streamlined intake.
  • Linkage to and retention in care through an opt-out HIV testing program for people 16 and older who are in an emergency department or other clinical setting.
  • Patient navigation-enhanced case management intervention that improved linkage and retention in HIV care among people with HIV who were leaving jail to return to the community.
  • Team that provides comprehensive culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV primary care and services to Hispanic/Latino people with HIV who speak Spanish as their primary language. Equipo que brinda atención primaria y servicios integrales de VIH cultural y lingüísticamente apropiados a personas hispanas/latinas con VIH que hablan español como idioma principal.
  • Intervention leverages both individual and group sessions to address issues that influence youth engagement in HIV care, including stigma, disclosure, healthy relationships, substance use, and future life planning.
  • The Clinic-Based Surveillance-Informed (CBSI) intervention combines clinic and health department surveillance data to identify people with HIV who are out of care and re-engage and retain them in HIV care.
  • A communication-centered approach to service delivery that provides a compassionate and supportive environment to promote intrinsic behavior change among youth 16 to 29 with newly diagnosed HIV.
  • Project aims to improve timely linkage for patients newly diagnosed with HIV through client-centered, resiliency-based counseling, and support beginning immediately after a positive HIV test result.
  • Intervention to re-engage people with HIV to care by utilizing a real-time data exchange system that connects clients with health department linkage specialists when presenting to the emergency department.
  • Clinic-based mobile health intervention that promotes linkage to and engagement in HIV care in rural areas for people with HIV who are new to care or at risk of falling out of care.
  • Using a client-focused, personalized, Incremental Risk Reduction approach, the Project START intervention improves linkage and retention in care among people with HIV who are leaving correctional facilities to return to the community.
  • Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that generates alerts in electronic medical records (EMR) to notify HIV outpatient providers of suboptimal follow-up, virologic failure, and laboratory toxicity.
  • Project to increase HIV awareness through outreach and testing events on college campuses and in the larger community through partnerships and care linkages.
  • Intervention consisting of on-site buprenorphine treatment guided by an experienced HIV physician who is trained to incorporate motivational interviewing techniques into routine medical visits to provide substance use behavior counseling.
Center for Innovation and Engagement

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