E2i Intervention Replication Toolkits

E2i's multimedia toolkits are designed to be highly accessible and interactive to support Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and other HIV service delivery organizations in adapting and implementing the interventions.

These 11 intervention toolkits are organized around the following themes:

  • Transgender women with HIV
  • Black men who have sex with men (MSM) with HIV
  • Integrating behavioral health with primary medical care for people with HIV
  • Identifying and addressing trauma for people with HIV

Each toolkit includes:

  • Intervention summary and guide (English and Spanish)
  • E-learning modules about the intervention for staff training
  • Video profiles of the demonstration sites where the interventions were tested
  • Posters and brochures

Individual Toolkits

  • TIA/CHANGE is an evidence-informed and resilience-focused intervention that provides guidance and structure for becoming a trauma-informed HIV service organization. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • Integrated buprenorphine treatment is an evidence-informed intervention to safely reduce opioid use disorder and improve HIV health outcomes among people with HIV. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • Project CONNECT is an evidence-informed intervention that engages Black men who have sex with men with HIV into medical care through early orientation to the clinic, relationship building, and enhanced personal contact. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • T.W.E.E.T. is an evidence-informed intervention that engages transgender women into HIV care through peer-led health education groups, leadership opportunities, supportive services, and community building.
  • Seeking Safety is an evidence-based coping skills intervention that helps people attain safety from trauma and/or addiction. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • SBIRT is an evidence-based system-level integrated care approach to identify, reduce, and prevent patterns of substance use that put the health of people with HIV at risk. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • Text Messaging Intervention to Improve Antiretroviral Adherence among HIV-Positive Youth (TXTXT) is an evidence-informed intervention that provides personalized text messages to remind and encourage young people with HIV to take their HIV medication as prescribed. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • Collaborative Care Management (CoCM) is an evidence-based intervention that integrates behavioral health care with primary care in order to treat depression and other common psychiatric disorders. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • Healthy Divas is an evidence-informed intervention that empowers transgender women with HIV to accomplish personalized gender affirmation and HIV health goals through peer-facilitated counseling sessions. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • CPT is an evidence-based, cognitive behavioral treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) delivered by a behavioral health therapist trained in CPT. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
  • Tailored Motivational Interviewing (TMI) is an evidence-based intervention that provides brief motivational interviewing sessions to encourage engagement in HIV care and treatment. Algunos recursos están disponibles en español.
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