Stakeholder Engagement and Support Webinar Series

Cover slide reading "Meaningful engagement with people of lived experience" and showing three people sitting on a stoop.

These expand on the crucial role of community-based organizations, non-profits, and individuals with lived experience. Presenters examine strategies for engaging clinical partners outside the Ryan White care system, including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and private providers. 

The sessions also explored the potential of faith-based organizations and religious leaders in promoting HIV/AIDS awareness, reducing stigma, and providing compassionate care and support to affected individuals and communities. 

Additionally, we will discuss strategies for engaging the immigrant population to achieve the goals of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiative.

Themes identified around stakeholder engagement:

  • Engaging people of lived experience
  • Engaging legal and immigration systems
  • Engaging clinical partners outside of the Ryan White System
  • Engaging faith-based communities

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