His Health: Whole-Health Assessment 2.0 Training

Center for Engaging Black MSM across the Care Continuum

Equip yourself with clinical practice strategies that advance behavioral and mental health, sexual health conversations and retention in care.


In this training, health service providers expand on the intersecting issues that impact the overall physical, emotional and mental well-being of young Black men who have sex with men (MSM).

In order to facilitate our understanding of this topic, trainers in the videos present a case study, Shawn, who is an 18-year-old young Black MSM from Jackson, Mississippi. Shawn comes from a religious household and reports symptoms of insomnia and anal itching to his health care provider. The trainers discuss behavioral and mental health disparities among this patient population, the importance of integrating discussions of sexual pleasure into provider-patient conversations and the myriad factors that affect engagement, linkage and retention to care among YBMSM. They conclude the course by offering a wide-range of clinical practice strategies to engage this population in care and to prevent the perpetuation of implicit bias, medical mistrust and stigma in the clinical setting.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the factors affecting the mental health of young black men who have sex with men (YBMSM).
  • Assess YBMSM patients for depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
  • Discuss sexual pleasure as part of a patient’s sexual health assessment.
  • Discuss the factors affecting engagement, linkage, and retention to care among YBMSM.
  • Implement clinical practice strategies to increase YBMSM engagement in care.
  • Describe the impact of medical mistrust, bias, and stigma on YBMSM engagement in care YBMSM engagement in care.

Target Audience

Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who treat MSM, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients.

Training Videos and Slides

This module covers the following topics and is presented as a video with three case studies to frame the discussion among the faculty. Slide numbers track video segments. 

Module Overview and Mental Health and Black MSM (Slides 1-20)

Engaging in Sexual Health Conversations: Leading with Pleasure (Slides 21-26)

Improving Engagement, Retention, and Viral Suppression & Understanding Your Patients: The Providers Role In Implicit Bias, Medical Mistrust, and Addressing Stigma (Slides 27-44)

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