Resources from The HIV, Housing & Employment Project. This SPNS project supported the design, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of innovative interventions that coordinate HIV care and treatment, housing, and employment services. These interventions aim to improve HIV health outcomes for uninsured, underserved people with HIV from low-income and racial and ethnic communities.
- Intervention manuals, summaries, and other intervention resources from the HIV, Housing & Employment Project demonstration sites.
- TA Sessions on Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services for People Living with HIVThese educational sessions were held for demonstration sites under the HIV, Housing & Employment Project. Watch for tips on interventions that coordinate HIV care and treatment, housing, and employment services for people living with HIV.
- Learn how AIDS Foundation Chicago connected justice-involved women of color with HIV to medical and social services by organizing Women’s Connection Summits.
- Spotlight: Integrating HIV Care, Housing, and Employment Support in a FQHC, A No Wrong Door ApproachLessons learned in building a system between the Medical Case Management and housing programs to meet clients’ social and medical needs.
- COVID-19 adjustments developed by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program recipients.
- The goal of Project HERO is to improve HIV outcomes through an established patient-centered medical home by linking people living with HIV who are unstably housed to HIV care, housing, and employment services.
- Intervention to provide clients living with HIV free bikes to travel to doctor's appointments, medical case management appointments, employment, and to do normal activities of daily living.
Best practices (and extensive resource links) for integrating into medical care teams the non-medical staff called Navigators.
Review of strategies for housing vulnerable populations in tight housing markets.