Funding Opportunity: RWHAP AIDS Education and Training Center National Clinician Consultation Center (HRSA-25-061)


This HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau pre-application webinar is for the RWHAP Funding Opportunity: RWHAP AIDS Education and Training Center National Clinician Consultation Center, NCCC (HRSA-25-061).

NCCC Objectives

  1. To provide rapid, expert and culturally competent clinical consultation and advice to health care team members on a wide array of HIV and HIV-related topics.
  2. The NCCC provides services through a call center and online.
  3. As the clinical consultation arm of the AETC Program, the NCCC serves as an important resource to the RWHAP Part F AETCs and other RWHAP Parts A-D.

Applications are due February 10, 2025.

Supporting Files


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