Upcoming Webinars and Events
Sustaining Community Engagement Learning Series Returns!
IHAP TAC is reconvening our peer learning series, Sustaining Community Engagement. This three-part series encourages peer-to-peer sharing on recruitment, retention, and sustained community engagement in jurisdictional HIV prevention and care planning bodies. This is a great opportunity for those interested in enhancing their recruitment and retention efforts!
Part One: Successful Strategies to Recruit Planning Body Members will take place January 28, 2025 at 3:00 PM ET. During this session, participants will learn about collaborative integrated prevention and care planning activities, understand the importance of recruitment, learn the components of a recruitment strategy, and describe the benefits, barriers, and competition for the recruitment audience.
Each session will take place the last Tuesday of each month at 3:00 PM ET beginning in January. Each session will have a short presentation and then breakout groups for sharing challenges with recruitment and retention and solutions to address. Participation in each session is recommended, but individual sessions will stand alone. All sessions will be recorded.
- Part One: Successful Strategies to Recruit Planning Body Members | January 28, 2025 at 3:00 PM ET
- Part Two: Successful Strategies to Retain Planning Body Members | February 25, 2025 at 3:00 PM ET
- Part Three: Successful Strategies for Promotion | March 25, 2025 at 3:00 PM ET
Past Webinars and Events
Learn from your Peers: Strategies to Support Successful Needs Assessments
December 11, 2024
This session included a brief presentation followed by a facilitated discussion about methods and approaches to needs assessment activities, including tool development; challenges with and suggestions for recruitment or reaching specific communities; using a whole-person care approach to needs assessments; and more.
Community Engagement Learning Series Part Three: Successful Strategies for Promotion
May 7, 2024
During this session, participants learnt about the importance of social marketing as related to recruitment, the seven (7) Cs of effective communication, and became familiar with at least three promotion considerations in a recruitment strategy.
Virtual Event: Engaging Community in HIV Planning: Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities
May 1, 2024
This session overviewed jurisdictional challenges to sustained community engagement in HIV planning activities and highlighted innovative approaches and practices used by jurisdictions identified from our review of the 2022-2026 Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans.
Community Engagement Learning Series Part Two: Successful Strategies to Retain Planning Body Members
April 2, 2024
During this session, participants learned the importance of new member orientation for RWHAP Planning Council/Planning Body (PC/PB) members and understood orientation and ongoing training. Guest speaker Dottie Rains-Dowdell from New Jersey HIV Planning Group discussed a successful mentorship program.
Community Engagement Learning Series Part One: Successful Strategies to Recruit Planning Body Members
March 5, 2024
During this session, participants learned about collaborative integrated prevention and care planning activities, the importance of recruitment, the components of a recruitment strategy, and the benefits, barriers, and competition for the recruitment audience.
HRSA Administrative Reverse Site Visit: Supporting All Your Integrated Planning Needs
November 16, 2023
In this session, IHAP TAC presented at the HRSA Administrative Reverse Site Visit. The team presented on how to identify challenges and solutions for implementation, leverage IHAP TAC activities for enhanced planning, and access resources on TargetHIV.org for improved strategies. Equip yourself for effective integrated HIV planning!
Hear from Your Peers: Status Neutral Approaches in Action
October 23, 2023
This event overviewed the benefits and challenges of implementing a status neutral approach followed by a facilitated discussion. Panelists from the Oregon Health Authority and the City of San Antonio, Metropolitan Health District shared what they are doing in their jurisdictions to implement status neutral approaches, including braiding funding, overcoming challenges, and lessons learned.
Peer Learning Opportunity: Effective HIV Prevention and Care Planning Bodies
June 8, 2023
Open forum discussion on all things related to integrated HIV prevention and care planning bodies. Discussion included centering community in both leadership roles and decision making processes; creating opportunities to learn and engage through active conversation; challenges and solution to support retention and recruitment; and more.
During the Peer Panel, IHAP TAC facilitated a discussion on evaluating and monitoring the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan activities and ongoing stakeholder engagement with a panel of HIV planning experts. Panelists from Puerto Rico, Colorado, and Denver shared their strategies for monitoring progress on IP plan goals and objectives, solutions to challenges gathering data to inform evaluation activities, and strategies to update stakeholders about IP implementation and progress.
Peer Panel: Your Integrated Plan is Submitted - Now What?
March 7, 2023
Hear from Your Peers: Taking Steps toward Successful Implementation. During the Peer Panel, IHAP TAC gave a brief overview on getting started with IP implementation followed by a facilitated discussion with a peer panel of HIV planning experts. Panelists from Arizona, Iowa and Maryland shared what they are putting in place to ensure IP goals and objectives are met, maintain ongoing engagement and coordination with key stakeholder groups, and monitor IP activities.
National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment - 3,2,1: Countdown to Implementation: A Practical Approach to Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans
August 25, 2022
Session 1: Three Months to Go Before Submission! The Final Stages of Integrated Plan Development.
During the session, IHAP TAC team members discussed the final stages of Integrated Plan development and preparation for submission, including presenting the plan to various planning bodies and community groups in the jurisdiction, responding to and integrating feedback, and obtaining letters of concurrence or concurrence with reservations. Presenters reviewed the submission process and walked through the CY 2022-2026 CDC DHP and HRSA HAB Integrated Prevention and Care Plan Guidance Checklist to ensure jurisdictions understand each required component for a complete submission and strategies for organizing the information, especially as it relates to the use of any existing material attached to meet the requirements.
During this workshop, IHAP TAC presented strategies and best practices to support successful implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of Integrated Plans. The session focused on the value of maintaining active engagement and involvement from planning bodies, community members, and other stakeholders that participated in the plan development process. Presenters shared approaches to creating snapshot documents to broadly share and promote the jurisdiction’s Integrated Plan, delivering regular updates on implementation process, developing dashboards and data visualization tools to monitor progress, and updating Integrated Plans based on evaluation results and community feedback.
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Dissemination
July 14, 2022
During the webinar, speakers reviewed the Section VI requirements for what jurisdictions need to describe in their submissions for implementation, monitoring, evaluation, improvement, and reporting and dissemination of their Integrated Plans. Guest speakers from the Puerto Rico Department of Health (Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico) and the HIV Prevention Planning Group in Puerto Rico (Grupo de Planificación para la Prevención del VIH en Puerto Rico) described their approaches to implementation and monitoring of the Integrated Plan, including the role of the planning body and lessons learned.
Integrated Planning 101: Back to basics with integrated planning experts!
June 30, 2022
The IHAP TAC was joined by an expert panel of HIV planners who are playing a role in the development of their jurisdiction’s Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. During this session, we covered the basics of integrated planning, followed by an extended Q & A session with panelists representing a range of jurisdictions and experiences.
Charting the Course for the Next Five Years: 2022-2026 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
May 19, 2022
The fifth session in our Integrated Planning Webinar and Peer Learning Series focused on Section V of the Integrated Plan Guidance - 2022-2026 Goals and Objectives. This section details the “what” and “how” of your Integrated Plan, and will serve as the playbook for health departments, service providers, stakeholders, and people with HIV through 2026.
Situational Analysis: Pulling it All Together
March 22, 2022
Presenters reviewed the Situational Analysis requirements and shared lessons learned from jurisdictions that developed a Situational Analysis for their EHE Plans. Jurisdictional guest speakers also shared experiences and discuss plans for leveraging the EHE Situational Analysis for their Integrated Plan. The IHAP TAC team also summarized key themes from previous webinar and peer learning sessions.
Making the Case with Data: Epidemiologic Snapshots, Resource Inventories, and Needs Assessments
February 17, 2022
The IHAP TAC team reviewed the relationship between Section III of the Guidance and CDC and HRSA requirements for conducting an HIV needs assessment as well as demonstrated use of the HIV Resources Inventory Compiler, a new IHAP TAC. Guest speakers shared their approaches to completing New Hampshire's HIV needs assessment.
Gearing Up for Integrated Planning: Approach, Timeline, and Community Engagement
January 20, 2022
The IHAP TAC team provided an overview of key steps to undertaking the planning cycle, outlined the sequence of events associated with Integrated Planning, and discussed the importance of meaningful community engagement. Guest speakers from the Arizona Department of Health Services shared examples of how their Integrated Planning process is structured and coordinated and guest speakers from Maryland Department of Health and Iowa Department of Public Health discussed their approach to community engagement.
Fostering Equity in HIV Planning
August 4, 2021
In this webinar, presenters from Colorado and Los Angeles County discussed the ways in which power imbalances can manifest in HIV planning bodies; how their planning bodies have sought to promote equity; and strategies that can be implemented to foster equity and mitigate power imbalances based on race, education, age, and socioeconomic status.
Lights, Camera, Action: Introducing an Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Planning Online Course
July 21, 2021
This webinar introduced the newly developed online course, An Introduction to Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Planning. During this webinar, the IHAP TAC provided a brief overview of integrated planning, previewed the course, and closed with a Q&A session for participants.
Measuring Effectiveness of HIV Planning: Self-Assessment Tools for HIV Planning Bodies
June 3, 2021
This webinar discussed an HIV planning body assessment tool developed and implemented by HealthHIV as part of the IHAP TAC. The extremely dynamic healthcare environment has introduced new challenges for HIV prevention and care planning, making efficient structures more important than ever. To support optimal planning processes, HealthHIV developed a first-of-its-kind HIV planning body assessment and fielded it with jurisdictional planning bodies to assess their effectiveness. Watch the webinar to learn more about how you can implement the assessment tools within your jurisdiction.
Integrated Prevention and Care Planning: What you need to know
December 15, 2020
This webinar described the five optimal stages of integrated planning and introduce lessons learned, best practices, and resources for the integrated planning process and development of the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. During the webinar, the IHAP TAC defined and described integrated planning, provided the rationale for integrating HIV prevention and care planning, and walked through the five stages of integrated planning. Throughout the webinar, the IHAP TAC presented examples from jurisdictions and provided available IHAP TAC resources to assist jurisdictions in their integrated planning work.
Many health departments included HCV prevention and care services in their Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans, and are in the process of implementing, monitoring, and evaluating HCV services as part of their plans. The inclusion of HCV services and programs can require significant structural changes and funding re-alignment. This webinar focused on the challenges and promising practices on leveraging HIV prevention and care programs to include HCV services within health departments and featured guest presenters who detailed their jurisdictions’ efforts to integrate HCV into its HIV prevention and care services, including resources needed, community level training and tracking HCV related data.
Resource Allocation: Guidelines, Emerging Practices and Innovation
January 28, 2020
Presenters described key definitions and requirements for resource allocation, and effective resource allocation processes including tips, strategies, and resources. Representatives from the Philadelphia Office of HIV Planning and the Virginia Department of Health presented their strategies for optimizing resource allocation approaches in their jurisdictions.
Integrated Planning Activities for Prevention and Care: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
April 25, 2019
Attendees learned about various models of collaboration or integration that jurisdictions can pursue as well as the benefits and potential challenges associated with integrated planning activities. The webinar featured guest presenters from Memphis, TN and San Francisco, CA who detailed their jurisdictions' efforts to integrate planning activities of prevention and care, and discussed lessons learned and promising practices.
Building and Sustaining the HIV Workforce: Rhode Island Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Goes to College
April 10, 2019
Presenters from the Rhode Island Centers for Excellence Integrating HIV Care, Support, and Treatment (CoExist) project demonstrated how they are working to build and sustain their HIV workforce. They highlighted their work with public institutions of higher education, particularly Rhode Island College. Presenters described the process with emphasis on HIV workforce development, and creation of multidisciplinary, intensive care management teams.
Aligning Local Getting to Zero and Ending the Epidemic Initiatives and Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans
October 25, 2018
This webinar discussed how recipients can leverage or align local Getting To Zero (GTZ) or Ending The Epidemic (ETE) initiatives to accomplish Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan objectives and strengthen the overall response to HIV within their jurisdiction. During the webinar, the IHAP TAC and officials from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department described the benefits of aligning local GTZ/ETE initiatives with Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. The Santa Clara County Public Health Department described the steps taken to successfully align their GTZ initiative with their Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan.
Moving Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Planning into Action: Integrated Funding for HIV Services
June 14, 2018
As health departments actualize integrated plan activities, many jurisdictions are considering integrating prevention and care funding streams in order to facilitate greater integration of services on the ground. Integrated funding requires significant preparation and infrastructure changes for both the health department and its community providers. This presentation highlighted the Washington State Department of Health's experiences and challenges with integrating the funding of prevention and care services within their state.
The webinar focused on key strategies for ongoing consumer and stakeholder engagement in the integrated prevention and care planning, implementation, and monitoring processes. This is an introductory presentation intended for RWHAP and CDC prevention program managers, and recipient staff engaged in planning activities. Also HIV planning council and planning body members responsible for implementing and monitoring Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. During the webinar, two jurisdictions shared lessons learned for successfully engaging consumers and other stakeholder groups.
The webinar presented strategies to identify roles and responsibilities for implementing your five-year Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan. This introductory presentation was intended for RWHAP recipients and CDC HIV prevention program managers. Also RWHAP and CDC HIV prevention program recipient staff engaged in planning activities. And HIV planning council and planning body members responsible for implementing and monitoring the Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. Participants learned about a flexible process for delegating roles and responsibilities. As well as best practices from several jurisdictions. Making for a successful collaboration between RWHAP Part A and Part B recipients and CDC HIV prevention partners.