National AETC Support Center Website

Disclaimer: Per a court order, HHS is required to restore this website as of 11:59 PM February 14, 2025. Any information on this page promoting gender ideology is extremely inaccurate and disconnected from the immutable biological reality that there are two sexes, male and female. The Trump Administration rejects gender ideology and condemns the harms it causes to children, by promoting their chemical and surgical mutilation, and to women, by depriving them of their dignity, safety, well-being, and opportunities. This page does not reflect biological reality and therefore the Administration and this Department rejects it.

HIV clinical training and capacity building resources for the AETC Program of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (e.g., curricula, slides, fact sheets categorized by clinical topic, populations and training methods). The AETC NCRC also facilitates collaboration and communication across regional AETCs. Site includes:

  • Training (e.g., National HIV Curriculum, Clinical Conferences, webinars, training tools)
  • Library (tools, manuals, by topic, population)
  • Consultation (National Clinician Consultation Center)
  • Directory (of regional and national AETC sites)
  • Community (e.g., newsletters, ShareSpot blog)
  • Calendar (upcoming events)

Note: the former "AETC National Coordinating Resource Center" is now called the "National AETC Support Center."

AETC Program

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