Procedures and sample materials for use by RWHAP HIV planning bodies.
- Remote Meetings: Tips for PC/PBs
Tips for preparing for and implementing remote PC/PB meetings. The focus is on the roles for PC/PB support (PCS) staff and leaders in full PC/PB meetings, but most of the tips apply to committee meetings as well. - Connectivity for PC/PB Members during the COVID-19 Emergency: Tips for PCS Staff
Information to help address member connectivity issues. - Bylaws Provisions That Facilitate PC/PB Operations in an Emergency
Examples of helpful provisions adopted in the past by PC/PBs. Other PC/PBs could consider adopting them in the future, to help them operate in emergencies caused by a pandemic or natural disaster. - Status of Open Meeting Laws During the COVID-19 Emergency
Information on the status of open meeting/sunshine laws in the District of Columbia and the 25 states that have at least one Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part A Program. - Providing Connectivity Devices to PC/PB or Committee Members: Sound Practices and Suggestions
Sound practices for providing devices and/or data plans to PC/PB members who need them to participate in remote meetings, including suggestions for controlling costs and maintaining appropriate documentation.
- How Planning Councils/Planning Bodies Address Common Membership Issues in Their Bylaws
Key membership issues that should be addressed in PC/PB bylaws, including the open nominations process, number of members, reflectiveness, term limits, committee participation, attendance requirements, and more. - Bylaws Provisions That Facilitate PC/PB Operations in an Emergency
Examples of helpful provisions adopted in the past by PC/PBs. Other PC/PBs could consider adopting them in the future, to help them operate in emergencies caused by a pandemic or natural disaster. - Use of Alternates and Proxy Voting by RWHAP Planning Councils/Planning Bodies
Two strategies used by PC/PBs to make quorum: alternates and proxy voting. This tool offers the following information for each strategy: issues, benefits and challenges; sample bylaws provisions; and sound practices. - Expense Reimbursement for Consumers
Summaries of HRSA HAB guidance and expectations about consumer expense reimbursement, and provides sample bylaws provision, policies and procedures, and forms.
- Status of Open Meeting Laws During the COVID-19 Emergency
Information on the status of open meeting/sunshine laws in the District of Columbia and the 25 states that have at least one Ryan White HIV/AIDS Part A Program. - State Laws Regarding Remote Meetings When There Is No State of Emergency
Summary of rules for remote meetings under state open meeting or “government in the sunshine” laws that apply when there is no state of emergency. The state summaries here are based on information available online about what open meetings laws – and Attorney General and court interpretations of those laws – say about the allowable use of electronic methods for holding meetings.
- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Suggestions and guidance around developing and maintaining an MOU. The sample MOU word document is a template and is designed to be downloaded and adapted. - Expense Reimbursement for Consumers
Summary of HRSA HAB guidance and expectations about consumer expense reimbursement, and provides sample bylaws provision, policies and procedures, and forms. - PC/PB Meeting Minutes Template
Meeting minutes are quicker to write and easier to read if they use the same format every month. This editable Word document provides a customizable template for taking effective minutes. - PC/PB Officer Development Plan Template
Use this editable Word template to create a customized training plan for your planning council/planning body officers. Planning and tracking skills training helps support your PC/PB officers and members.
- Developing Directives: Steps and Sound Practices
Tool to identify needs for directives, draft them, analyze their feasibility and costs, and facilitate PC/PB review and approval. - Using MAI Funds Effectively: Tailoring Services for Locally Identified Subpopulations
Sound practices for planning councils allocating MAI funds. Learn how planning councils have used MAI funds to support responsive, tailored services.
- How Planning Councils/Planning Bodies Address Common Membership Issues in Their Bylaws
Key membership issues that should be addressed in PC/PB bylaws, including the open nominations process, number of members, reflectiveness, term limits, committee participation, attendance requirements, and more. - Consumer Committees and Caucuses: Elevating Consumer Voices
Common questions about Consumer Committees and Caucuses as part of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Planning Councils/Planning Bodies. It includes sample bylaws provisions covering the duties and membership of these groups. - Responsibilities and Expectations of Individual Members - And How the PC/PB can Support Them
Resource for new planning council members to help orient them to their roles and duties as HIV community planners and describe how planning council leaders, committee members, and staff can support them in these roles. - Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Community Planning: Ways for People with Lived Experience to Participate
Infographic on the many different ways that people with HIV can be involved with planning council activities, from becoming a planning council member, to serving on the Consumer Caucus, to providing input on service needs and barriers through town hall meetings and focus groups.
- Town Hall Meetings: A RWHAP Needs Assessment Tool
How-to resource provides an overview of convening town hall meetings to hear from the community about the service needs of people with HIV within the EMA or TGA. Includes steps for planning and running them, including tips for conducting virtual town hall meetings. - Focus Groups with People with HIV as a Component of RWHAP Part A Needs Assessment (tool series)
How-to tools and templates for planning and conducting focus groups with people with HIV as part of RWHAP Part A needs assessment. The set includes an overview of focus groups and steps for implementation, a sample participant consent form, a focus group planning template, a sample focus group recruitment plan, a sample focus group discussion guide, a sample demographics questionnaire for participants, an outline for a focus group report, and links to focus group materials from the field. - Provider Surveys as a Component of RWHAP Part A Needs Assessment (tool series)
How-to tools and templates for planning and conducting provider surveys as part of RWHAP Part A needs assessment. The set includes an overview of provider surveys and steps for implementation, a provider survey planning template, sample provider tools, a listing of typical components of a Profile of Provider Capacity and Capability, and a sample format for a Resource Inventory.