In 2022, agencies funded by HRSA under the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative delivered services to 22,001 clients who were new to care; 19,204 clients were re-engaged in care. In addition, 483 HIV clinical trainings (reaching 4,646 clinical staff) were delivered under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program's (RWHAP) AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program.
These service numbers far exceed those reported in 2019-2020, although the comparison must factor in service slow-downs that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings are reported in the RWHAP EHE Initiative Data Report, 2022. A HRSA infographic outlines key insights from the report.
Learn more about EHE, including jurisdictions receiving EHE funding. See also TAP-in to access technical assistance and training resources for EHE sites.