Medicare FAQs on MPPP


Let us translate that headline's melange of acronyms. 

MPPP is the new Medicare Prescription Payment Plan that goes into effect January 1, 2025, allowing those who enroll to spread payment of their out-of-pocket prescription costs in monthly installments across the year. Read the first FAQ in FAQs: Medicare Prescription Payment Plan for details on the MPPP, which reads in part: "The benefits of the MPPP for RWHAP clients are likely limited...." 

As for the acronym FAQs, that one is certainly well-known, particularly by the ACE TA Center, the HRSA-funded resource on health coverage technical assistance for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) entities. ACE has a series of FAQs on health coverage topics:

See the 2024 National Ryan White Conference presentation, Navigating Medicare Changes in 2025: What to Expect Moving Forward, for a broad overview of new developments under Medicare.

Access Conference Presentations from the 2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment

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