@RyanWhite2024: Health Coverage (ACE TA Center)


From the ACE TA Center Listserv

Join ACE at the 2024 National Ryan White Conference (NRWC)

The ACE TA Center is excited to facilitate two sessions during this year’s National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment, both taking place on Wednesday, August 21.

  • Navigating Medicare Changes in 2025: What to Expect Moving Forward
    Wednesday, August 21, 5:15-6:15pm
    Presenters: ACE TA Center with Killelea Consulting, LLC and NASTAD
    This session will cover changes to the Medicare program that impact access to health coverage for Americans, including people with HIV. Topics will include the cap on out-of-pocket costs for insulin products, the elimination of cost-sharing for covered vaccines, and the upcoming implementation of the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (also referred to as Medicare smoothing).
  • Medicare Enrollment Basics and Best Practices for People Aging with HIV (Poster ID #25484)
    Wednesday, August 21, 3:30-4:00pm
    Presenters: ACE TA Center 
    Visit our poster to learn about Medicare coverage for people aging with HIV, common enrollment challenges, and enrollment best practices. We will also share findings from our most recent evaluation as well as ACE TA Center Medicare resources available to help enroll people with HIV into Medicare and how the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program can help.

Visit the ACE TA Center booth (#21).

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