The newly-updated version of guidance on development of HIV care/prevention integrated plans is now available.
The amply-titled Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan Guidance, Including the Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need, CY 2027-2031 was first released in 2015 and follows a long history of HIV planning that evolved into a planning process to link care and prevention, reflecting the continuum of HIV services. Also available is a checklist to help guide jurisdictions in preparation of their plans. See CY 2027– 2031 CDC DHP and HRSA HAB Integrated Prevention and Care Plan Guidance Checklist.
The CY 2027-2031 integrated plans are due June 30, 2026.
Questions? Email [email protected] and CC your Project Officer. Also, access TA from IHAP the Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center.