Clinical Monitoring for Real-World Delivery of Long-Acting Injectable Antiretroviral Therapy

Presentation Event
2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment
Columbia University, Mt. Sinai Health System, Sinai Chicago, Abounding Prosperity, Inc., Coastal Family Health Center
Delivette Castor, Jesus Robles, Bijou Hunt, Melissa Curry, Will Holt,

ALAI UP is a project supporting sites to improve equitable service delivery of Long-Acting Injectable Antiretroviral Therapy (LAI ART). ALAI UP undertook a process of developing new clinical performance measures for LAI ART and a methodology to collect and report these data. Presenters describe this process and offer perspectives from demonstration sites.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe ALAI UP’s process of developing and refining a client-level monitoring, evaluation, and learning approach.
  • Describe perspectives from demonstration sites at different implementation stages working with different data systems.
  • Discuss challenges and opportunities of client- level monitoring to assess equitable service delivery.


Event Details

2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment
Data Utilization

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