Group Session 2: Gender-Affirming Care

Presentation Event
2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment
Part 1: Vivent Health; Part 2: UPMC - Pittsburgh AIDS Center For Treatment, AccessMatters, Partnership Comprehensive Care Practices
Part 1: Aliza Norwood; Part 2: Cara McAnaney, Jon Martin, Elliot Goodenough

No video is available for this session

Part 1: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) from A to Z: Incorporating Gender-Affirming Care in HIV Prevention and Treatment

Gender-affirming care for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people improves adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV care. This workshop will provide a targeted guide for bedside consultation for HRT. It will highlight interdisciplinary strategies to make the clinical space supportive of TGD patients.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the importance of gender-affirming medical care in HIV prevention and care.
  • Create tailored plans for HRT using case-based scenarios.
  • Apply best practices in interdisciplinary gender- affirming care to unique clinical settings.


  • Aliza Norwood, Vivent Health

Part 2: Panel Discussion: Improving Gender- Affirming Care in HIV Health Care at Three Health Care Programs in Pennsylvania

Three health care programs in Pennsylvania developed dedicated plans to improve gender-affirming care in their services. These workplans included implementing trainings for staff, developing clinical tools, and collaborating with community groups to support culturally responsive gender-affirming care.

Learning Objectives

  • Utilize multifactorial approaches in clinic-wide trainings.
  • Build relationships with community groups to enhance clinic initiatives.
  • Develop clinical tools to supplement educational interventions.


  • Cara McAnaney, MD. Pittsburgh AIDS Center for Treatment (UPMC)
  • Jon Martin, AccessMatters
  • Elliot Goodenough, MD, PhD. Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice


Event Details

2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment
Population-Based Approaches for Improving Access, Engagement/Reengagement, and Health Outcomes
Gender-Affirming Care
23002, 25439, 25561

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