Group Session 6: Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy Among Cis and Transgender Women, and The Design, Implementation, and Expansion of a Long-Acting Injectable Program

Presentation Event
2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment
Part 1: New York Presbyterian at Columbia University Comprehensive Health Program; Part 2: University of Mississippi Medical Center
Part 1: Shaoli Chaudhuri, Susan Olender, Jenna Eldib, Ana Aldana; Part 2: Aubri Hickman, Courtney Sanders, James Brock, Melissa Hickman

Part 1: Implementation and Scale-Up of Long-Acting ART (LA-ART) among Cis & Transgender Women

Overview and discussion of implementation of long-acting antiretroviral therapy (LA-ART) among cis and transgender women in a large urban HIV clinic. The presenters review post-implementation outcomes from 2022-2023, as well as examine logistical challenges, lessons learned, and strategies in the successful scale-up of LA-ART.

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss strategies for implementation of LA-ART among cis and transgender women.
  • Identify challenges in rollout of LA-ART.
  • Describe multidisciplinary approaches to successful scale-up of LA-ART, particularly among women.


  • Shaoli Chaudhuri, New York Presbyterian at Columbia University Comprehensive Health Program
  • Susan Olender, New York Presbyterian at Columbia University Comprehensive Health Program
  • Jenna Eldib, New York Presbyterian at Columbia University Comprehensive Health Program
  • Ana Aldana, New York Presbyterian at Columbia University Comprehensive Health Program

Part 2: The Design, Implementation, and Expansion of a Long-Acting Injectable Program at a Large, University-Based HIV Clinic

This presentation provided an overview of the framework used to implement a long-acting injectable antiretroviral (LAI) therapy program at a large, university-based outpatient HIV clinic. Presenters offered insight on the program’s challenges and lessons learned that may help other programs implement similar models of care.

Learning Objectives

  • Define the components of a design and implementation framework necessary to initiate and sustain a LAI program.
  • Outline the key staff necessary to implement a LAI program and describe their involvement.
  • Compare and contrast differences in design and implementation of a LAI program based on organizational barriers, staff matrix, and program goals.


  • Aubri Hickman, University of Mississippi Medical Center

  • Courtney Sanders, University of Mississippi Medical Center

  • James Brock, University of Mississippi Medical Center

  • Melissa Hickman, University of Mississippi Medical Center

Event Details

2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment
Innovative System-level Models for HIV Service Delivery
Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy
23006, 25748, 25588

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