Access prior year materials from the biannual National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment (NRWC) and the annual National Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clinical Conference.
Meeting Archives

- Dates: August 20-23, 2024
- Location: Washington, DC and Virtual
- Theme: Innovating to End the HIV Epidemic: Empowering Communities, Expanding Partnerships, Implementing Interventions
- Program Book/Agenda
- HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Timeline
Daily Blog Posts
- Day 1: Federal plenaries, TA providers, RWHAP history
- Day 2: Empowering communities, Best practices, RWHAP history, AETC sessions
- Day 3: Expanding partnerships, RWHAP History, in memoriam: Ron Goldschmidt
- Day 4: Implementing innovations, RWHAP technical assistance and training
By the Numbers

- 162 concurrent sessions
- 127 poster presentations
- 8,085 registrants
- 2,700 in-person attendees
- 4,802 virtual attendees
- 1,088 community members
- 42 exhibitors
Data from the National Ryan White Conference website and app

- Date: December 3-5, 2023
- Location: Portland, Oregon.
- Agenda
- Session recordings
- Slides

- Dates: August 23-26, 2022
- Location: Virtual
- Theme: The Time is Now: Harnessing the Power of Innovation, Health Equity, and Community, to End the HIV Epidemic
- Agenda
- Blogs - Day 1: Federal Response to EHE | Day 2: Health Equity | Day 3: Community Engagement | Day 4: Innovation

- Date: December 4-7, 2019
- Location: New Orleans, LA
- Agenda, slides, webcasts, podcasts
- Blog: Virtual Clinical Training: 2019 Ryan White Clinical Conference - HIV ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY
- Blog: Virtual Clinical Training: The 2019 Ryan White Clinical Conference - SPECIAL POPULATIONS AND CONDITIONS
- Blog: Virtual Clinical Training: The 2019 Ryan White Clinical Conference - HIV AND AGING
- Blog: Virtual Clinical Training: The 2019 Ryan White Clinical Conference - PrEP and STDs
- Date: December 9-11, 2018
- Location: National Harbor, Maryland
- Agenda, slides, webcasts, podcasts
- Blog: Ryan White 2018: Clinical Conference Highlights
- Dates: December 12-15, 2018
- Location: Washington, DC
- Theme: Catalyzing Success: Advancing Innovation. Leveraging Data. Ending the HIV Epidemic
- Workshop slides and plenaries
- Blog (Plenaries, Blogs): 2018 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care & Treatment
- Dates: August 21-23, 2017
- Location: San Antonio, TX
- Agenda, webcasts, slides
- Blog: Recap: 17th Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clinical Care Conference

- August 23-26, 2016
- Location: Washington, DC
- Theme: Forward Momentum: Accelerating Access, Optimizing Care, Transforming Public Health
- Slides/Presentations
- Day 1: Accomplishments
- Day 2: Social Determinants
- Day 3: Innovations
- Day 4: Moving Forward
- Clinical Pathway
- Dates: December 15-18, 2015
- Location: New Orleans, LA
- Theme: Moving Forward with CARE: Focusing on Passion, Purpose, and Excellence
- Webcasts and slides

- Theme: Navigating a New Era in CARE
- Workshop slides, poster presentations and the meeting agenda

- Theme: 20 Years of Leadership, A Legacy of Care
- Workshop slides and Legacy of Care Video

- Theme: New Era, New Act.
- Events were summarized in 2008 Ryan White Daily News highlights and a plenary session featuring the HIV/AIDS and Ryan White Timeline (1981-2008)

- Theme: CARE Act, Commitment to Action
- The meeting presented workshops in the following tracks: Access to Care, Administration, Coordination and Linkages, Program Development, Quality, and Data Evaluation and Outcomes. Watch 2006 The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Video and read the evaluation report from the meeting.
Presentation Archives
See also the Conference Presentation database for recordings, slides, and posters from prior years.