Improving HIV Health Outcomes through the Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services
The HIV, Housing & Employment Project supported the design, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of innovative interventions that coordinate HIV care and treatment, housing, and employment services. These interventions aim to improve HIV health outcomes for uninsured, underserved people with HIV from low-income and racial and ethnic communities.
This Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) initiative was supported through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Minority HIV/AIDS Fund (MHAF) and the SPNS Program under HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau. It was conducted in partnership with the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Labor. The Evaluation and Technical Assistance Provider (ETAP) was the Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Work in Health (ETAP Overview).
Demonstration Sites

HIV, Housing & Employment Project Intervention Tools from the 12 demonstration sites include intervention manuals, summaries, and other intervention resources.
Demonstration Site | Location | Intervention |
AIDS Foundation of Chicago | Chicago, IL | Safe & Sound Return Partnership |
AIDS Foundation of Houston, Avenue 360 Health and Wellness | Houston, TX | Project CORE: Coordination of Resources and Employment Services |
Bexar County Hospital District | San Antonio, TX | The CAre, houSing, and Employment (CASE) Management Initiative |
City of Pasadena | Pasadena, CA | Operation Link |
City of Paterson | Paterson, NJ | Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services |
Family Health Centers of San Diego | San Diego, CA | Coordinated Services Integration Intervention |
Fenway Health | Boston MA | Housing & Employment Project |
GMHC | New York, NY | Project HEALTH (Housing & Employment Access Lead to Health) |
City of Kansas City, MO Health Department | Kansas City, MO | KC Life 360 |
Positive Impact Health Centers | Atlanta, GA | H.O.M.E.S. (Housing Opportunities, Medical, & Employment Services) |
PRC | San Francisco, CA | Integrative Health Analysis |
Yale School of Medicine, Liberty Community Services | New Haven, CT | Project HERO |
Presentations and Posters
See also the individual demonstration site pages for demonstration site posters and presentations.
Poster: ETAP Preliminary Outcomes
Poster: Preliminary Findings
Presented at the Boston University Medical Campus Annual Health Equity Symposium. Boston, MA. 2019.
Download Preliminary Findings Poster
Presentation: Preliminary Findings
Presented at the 2020 APHA Annual Meeting (virtual).
Download the Presentation Poster
Presentation: Preliminary Findings
Presentation at the 2020 National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS (Virtual).
Webinars from the SPNS Initiative's end-of-project meeting and highlight preliminary findings and lessons learned.
Leveraging HOPWA and Other Public Funding to Improve HIV Health, Housing, and Employment Outcomes
Overview of the initiative and findings from the multi-site evaluation. Two demonstration sites will also share their approaches to partnering with other locally and federally funded agencies to improve housing stability and employment opportunities for PWH.
Strategies for Supporting Clients with Employment Goals
Motivating clients, utilizing the Stages of Change model, the Employment Spectrum & job clubs.
Improving Housing Stability and Employment Opportunities for Special Populations
Supporting transgender, undocumented & previously incarcerated clients in finding housing.
Using SPNS Dollars to Support Housing Stability
Utilizing emergency housing funding, the Coordinated Entry System & transitional housing to secure housing.
Systems Change, Sustainability and Scalability
Utilizing data integration, gap lodging, and DOL partnerships to sustain and scale housing and employment programming.
Preliminary Findings from the HIV, Housing and Employment Project
Preliminary project outcomes.
TA Sessions on Coordination of Supportive Employment and Housing Services for People Living with HIV
Webinar tips on interventions that coordinate HIV care and treatment, housing, and employment services for people living with HIV. Sessions were held for demonstration sites under the HIV, Housing & Employment Project, covering:
- Employment 101
- Housing 101
- Stages of Change
- Client Coaching Towards Self Sufficiency
- Field Safety
- Balancing SSI/SSDI & Wages
- Recruiting High Acuity Clients
- Framing Criminal Histories
- Immigration and Documentation
- HIV Patients Impacted by the Justice System Need Housing and Employment Services
- Sustainability and Integration
View TA Sessions on Coordination of Employment/Housing Services
Integrating HIV Care, Housing, and Employment Support in a FQHC
Lessons learned in building a system between the Medical Case Management and housing programs to meet clients’ social and medical needs.
Access Integrating HIV Care in a FQHC
Spotlight: Women's Connection Summits
Learn how AIDS Foundation Chicago connected justice-involved women of color with HIV to medical and social services by organizing Women’s Connection Summits.
Access Women's Connection Summits
Spotlight: POWER Job Club
Learn how Liberty Community Services, Inc. successfully integrated employment into their existing services through an innovative intervention called POWER (Pursuing Opportunities with Employment & Resources).
Spotlight: Helping Clients During COVID-19, Strategies from the Field
Learn strategies to help Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients during COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. These approaches are applicable today and many have broader application for hard-to-reach populations in need of social support services during times of uncertainty.
Spotlight: Bike Exchange
This project spotlight profiles the City of Kansas City, Missouri Health Department (KCHD)'s novel intervention to provide clients living with HIV free bikes to travel to doctor's appointments, medical case management appointments, employment, and to do normal activities of daily living. This project was an outgrowth of the KC Life 360 intervention, part of the larger housing and employment intervention.
Issue Briefs
Issue Brief: Integrating Navigators into Care Systems
This issue brief discusses the integration of navigators into care systems. It includes the definition of "Navigator," roles and responsibilities of navigators within and outside of clinics/agencies. Also included are the steps along the HIV care continuum that navigators help support, team protocols and navigator integration into care teams, and navigator supervision.
Issue Brief: Tight Housing Markets
This issue brief covers the topic of housing vulnerable populations in tight housing markets, including effective strategies and associated resources.
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Contact Information
Project Contacts:
HRSA Contacts:
Recipient Organization: Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Work in Health
Grant number: U90HA29236
Project Period: 2017-2022