RWHAP Compass Dashboard

 The RWHAP Compass Dashboard is a user-friendly, interactive data tool to visualize the reach, impact, and outcomes of the RWHAP.

Start Using the Dashboard

The RWHAP Compass Dashboard allows users to view national-, state-, and metro area-level data and to explore RWHAP client characteristics and outcomes, including as age, housing status, transmission category, and viral suppression. The RWHAP Compass Dashboard also visualizes information about RWHAP services received and characteristics of those clients accessing the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP).

By increasing program transparency and users’ ability to interact with RWHAP data for decision making, the dashboard supports HRSA HAB’s vision to provide optimal HIV care and treatment for all to end the HIV epidemic in the United States.


The dashboard is the result of extensive input and collaboration from RWHAP recipients and subrecipients, federal and non-federal partners, and HRSA HAB Project Officers.

To provide feedback to inform future updates to the RWHAP Compass Dashboard, email questions or comments to the RWHAP Compass Dashboard support team.

Introductory Webinar


Contact Information

Project Contacts:

RWHAP Compass Dashboard Support Team

HRSA Contacts:

PO Name
Nicole Chavis, MPH
PO Title
Health Scientist, Evaluation, Analysis, and Dissemination Branch


Funding Mechanism