HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau | |
TargetHIV | - Follow TargetHIV's Social Media:
Best Practices Compilation | - Sign up to receive the RWHAP Best Practices Compilation monthly newsletter, which includes information on intervention profiles recently added to the Compilation and resources to help you use the Compilation.
- See also the What Works in HIV Care & Services Podcast, with highlights of best practices featured in the RWHAP Best Practices Compilation and tips for replicating approaches in your settings.
CAREWare | - Join the CAREWare listserv to share ideas and keep abreast of updates and tweaks to this free data management software for Ryan White programs.
Clinical Quality Management | - Join the RWHAPCQM ListServ to share ideas and ask questions related to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clinical Quality Management.
- Sign up to receive the CQII E-newsletter, program updates and announcements.
Clinical Training | - Sign up for email updates and the quarterly newsletter on HIV/AIDS clinical care topics from the AETC National Coordinating Resource Center. (Also find them across many social platforms)
- Sign up for quarterly news from the National Clinician Consultation Center.
- Join the RWHAP Providers' LinkedIn Group, a forum for RWHAP providers nationally to exchange insights related to providing care to RWHAP clients. To join, log onto LinkedIn Groups and search for "Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Providers.".
Data Reporting | |
Ending the HIV Epidemic | |
Health Coverage Enrollment | |
Innovations in Service Delivery | |
Planning and Planning Councils | - Subscribe to the IHAP TAC mailing list. You will receive updates on all aspects of planning and implementing your Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans.
Recipients, Subrecipients, Planning Bodies | |