Measuring Effectiveness of HIV Planning: Self-Assessment Tools for HIV Planning Bodies

This webinar shared an HIV planning body assessment tool developed and implemented by HealthHIV as part of the IHAP TAC. Inclusive and efficient HIV prevention and care planning is essential to ensuring HIV services are responsive to new public health crises, social change, and ‘Ending the HIV Epidemic’ initiatives. The extremely dynamic healthcare environment has introduced new challenges for HIV prevention and care planning, making efficient structures more important than ever. To support optimal planning processes, HealthHIV developed a first-of-its-kind HIV planning body assessment and fielded it with jurisdictional planning bodies to assess their effectiveness.

Presenters discussed the need to evaluate the effectiveness of state and local HIV prevention and care planning efforts; reviewed the barriers that HIV planning bodies face to effective HIV planning in their communities; summarized the adaptable tools for conducting a self-assessment of HIV planning body effectiveness; and described how planning bodies can adapt the tools to suit their unique needs.

This resource was developed by

IHAP TA Center

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