Stay Informed: RWHAP Email Lists & Social Media

Disclaimer: Per a court order, HHS is required to restore this website as of 11:59 PM February 14, 2025. Any information on this page promoting gender ideology is extremely inaccurate and disconnected from the immutable biological reality that there are two sexes, male and female. The Trump Administration rejects gender ideology and condemns the harms it causes to children, by promoting their chemical and surgical mutilation, and to women, by depriving them of their dignity, safety, well-being, and opportunities. This page does not reflect biological reality and therefore the Administration and this Department rejects it.

These email listservs and social media focus on issues of interest to agencies funded by HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP). Staff and people with HIV can sign up, based on their interests. Venues present upcoming events and technical resources. See also our News Feed, which includes select items from these and other sources.




Best Practices Compilation

  • Sign up to receive the RWHAP Best Practices Compilation monthly newsletter, which includes information on intervention profiles recently added to the Compilation and resources to help you use the Compilation.
  • See also the What Works in HIV Care & Services Podcast, with highlights of best practices featured in the RWHAP Best Practices Compilation and tips for replicating approaches in your settings.


  • Join the CAREWare listserv to share ideas and keep abreast of updates and tweaks to this free data management software for Ryan White programs.

Clinical Quality Management

  • Join the RWHAPCQM ListServ to share ideas and ask questions related to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Clinical Quality Management.
  • Sign up to receive the CQII E-newsletter, program updates and announcements.

Clinical Training

  • Sign up for email updates and the quarterly newsletter on HIV/AIDS clinical care topics from the AETC National Coordinating Resource Center. (Also find them across many social platforms)
  • Sign up for quarterly news from the National Clinician Consultation Center.
  • Join the RWHAP Providers' LinkedIn Group, a forum for RWHAP providers nationally to exchange insights related to providing care to RWHAP clients. To join, log onto LinkedIn Groups and search for "Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Providers.".

Data Reporting

Ending the HIV Epidemic

Health Coverage Enrollment

Innovations in Service Delivery

Planning and Planning Councils

  • Subscribe to the IHAP TAC mailing list. You will receive updates on all aspects of planning and implementing your Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans.

Recipients, Subrecipients, Planning Bodies