SPNS & Demonstration Project Directory

HRSA supports innovation though programs like Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) and similar projects. These projects test models over multiple years, evaluating the design, implementation, utilization, cost, and health-related outcomes of treatment models. Models that work are then promoted for dissemination and replication by other agencies. 

This page lists resources available on TargetHIV that were derived from HRSA's SPNS program. Some resources were informed by multiple SPNS initiatives so are listed multiple times.

Resources Developed by Initiatives

See the Advanced Search in the resource library for a complete collection of replication resources and job tools, filterable by topic, source, type, and date.

2iS - Implementation Science & Innovative Interventions

Accelerating Implementation of Long-Acting Injectables

American Indian/Alaska Native Initiative

Assessing Evidence-Informed Approaches for Improving Outcomes

Behavioral Health Interventions among Black MSM

Capacity Building in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program to Support Innovative Program Model Replication

Corrections Demonstration Project (CDP)

Emerging Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for People Aging with HIV

SNAP: Status Neutral, Whole-Person Approaches to Services

Social Media for Engagement and Retention

SURE Housing Interventions

Systems Linkages

Telehealth Strategies to Maximize HIV Care

Testing Evidence-Informed Approaches for Improving Outcomes (E2i)

Viral Suppression Data: Medicaid Data Set