Creating a Jail Linkage Program: Training Manual

Lessons learned from the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative. Learning objectives are to:

  • illustrate the effectiveness of jail linkage work
  • provide information on components of a jail linkage program
  • highlight best practices from successful EnhanceLink 
grantees so that readers have the necessary information to replicate and implement this work
  • support the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) by maximizing available resources to reduce HIV incidence, increase access to care, optimize health outcomes, and reduce HIV-related 
health disparities 

The target audience includes health care provider sites and community partners with an interest and need to work with incarcerated populations, particularly HIV-positive jail inmates and the recently released.


  • Insights on providing continuity of HIV care for persons transitioning from jail to community settings, in Creating a Jail Linkage Program training manual, based on the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative.

  • Elements of a continuity of care program for HIV-positive prisoners returning to community settings, in Creating a Jail Linkage Program training manual, based on insights from the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative.

  • Objectives of training manual for enhancing continuity of care for HIV-positive prisoners returning to community settings, along with an overview of incarceration in the U.S. Manual based on insights from the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative.

  • Conclusion chapter on continuity of care program for HIV-positive prisoners returning to community settings, in in Creating a Jail Linkage Program training manual, based on insights from the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative.

  • Rationale for providing continuity of care for HIV-positive prisoners returning to community settings, in Creating a Jail Linkage Program training manual, based on insights from the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative.

  • Notes in in Creating a Jail Linkage Program training manual, based on the SPNS Enhancing Linkages to HIV Primary Care & Services in Jail Settings Initiative.

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