The Early Intervention Services and Outreach (EISO) seeks to ensure persons with HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have access to high-quality care, free from stigma and discrimination.
Designed by the Oregon Health Authority and implemented by six local public health agencies (LPHA) representing 12 Oregon counties and the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, the EISO intervention featured time-limited services and outreach to help identify, treat, and prevent HIV and STIs.
The EISO intervention dramatically expanded and expedited the services provided to clients in LPHAs, with prioritization of HIV testing of persons with an STI resulting in an HIV positivity rate of 3.0 percent, far higher than the 0.01 percent positive rate found during traditional outreach HIV testing in community settings. The program’s expedited linkage to care reduced the number of days from entry into clinical care and viral suppression. In 2019, 79 percent of EISO clients were linked to care within 30 days of a positive HIV test, compared to 66 percent (on average) during the same time frame, from 2013–2017. The average time to viral suppression was 57 days, representing an improvement among all groups.
Implementation Resources
This package of training and implementation tools was developed to assist Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) sites and other organizations/clinics to implement the EISO intervention.
- Implementation Guide (PDF)
- Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Early Intervention Services and Outreach. Best Practices Compilation Summary