Innovative HIV Care Strategies for People with HIV with Co-occurring Conditions

The webinar features two interventions designed to improve linkage to and retention in care and improve health outcomes for priority populations living with HIV.

  • Integration of Comprehensive HIV Medical Care with Addiction Services. This intervention integrates comprehensive HIV medical care with addiction services and medication protocols for substance use disorder (SUD) and provides a “one-stop shop” for HIV primary care, wraparound services, and addiction medicine services. Presenter: Pamela Gorman, RN, ACRN of Cooper Health System.
  • Early Intervention Services & Outreach (EISO). EISO is an intervention in which local public health authorities (LPHAs) work with community partners to integrate early intervention and outreach services to provide time-limited, intensive services for people diagnosed with HIV and STI co-infections, and link them and their partners quickly to prevention and treatment services. Presenter: Alicia Knapp of the Oregon Health Authority.

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