Project Vogue Implementation Guide

Project Vogue is a recreation-based intervention that provides sexual health-related services in a stigma-free space for BMSM with HIV, aged 18–45. The intervention provides intensive, community-based care coordination services, integrated HIV medical care, and behavioral health care to increase viral load suppression and improve longevity, quality of life, and other health outcomes for BMSM. The intervention focuses on BMSM with HIV who have not yet been successfully maintained in care, and who may have intersectional experiences with stigma or discrimination due to race, sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity, and/or HIV status. Intersectional stigma refers to the overlapping of stigmatized identities within a person or group.

This guide includes key components of the Project Vogue intervention, outlines the capacity required by organizations to conduct this work, and includes replication steps to support others in their implementation efforts. Finding replicable interventions that meet Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U. S. (EHE) initiative goals and support clients along the stages of the HIV care continuum are key to future programmatic and client success in HIV care.

Project Vogue by the Numbers

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