Explore Evidence-Informed Interventions from the SPNS Latino Initiative

Does your organization work with Mexican or Mexican-American clients? Learn how two demonstration sites from the HRSA/HAB Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Latino Initiative effectively engaged Latinos of Mexican descent in HIV testing and linkage to care.

Topics Covered

  • Use a transnational framework to design effective interventions for Mexicans and Mexican Americans
  • Address specific barriers to care for clients of Mexican descent, such as limited access to culturally competent health care and social services
  • Engage Mexican and Mexican-American MSM
  • Build evaluation measures for each stage of an intervention


  • Laura Castillo, Bienstar Human Services, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, Proyecto Vida
  • Martha Guerrero, Prism Health North Texas, Dallas, TX, Viviendo Valiente

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