ADR Data Completeness Rates, 2013-2022

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Chart 1: Completeness Rates for Demographic Data Elements

ADAPs are continuing to submit very complete demographic data. All demographic data elements had over 95% completeness on the 2022 ADR.

2022 ADR demographic completeness rates for: year of birth, gender, HIV/AIDS Status, ethnicity, poverty level, race, and health insurance. All data elements have at least 96% completeness.


Chart 2: Completeness Rates for ADAP Services

Service data, including detailed medication data, are nearly 100% complete.

2022 ADR completeness rates for ADAP services (receipt of insurance assistance, amount of insurance assistance, receipt of medication services, medication dispensed, amount paid for medication, and medication dispense date). All data elements have over 99% completeness.


Chart 3: Improvements in Completeness Rates for Clinical Data

After an increase in 2021, reporting of viral load test results decreased in 2022 from 86% to 82%. Reporting of CD4 test results remained the same from 2021 to 2022.  

Viral load and CD4 clinical test test completeness rates

These charts show rates of completeness of data reported by Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) grantees in the 2022 ADR and some changes from 2013 to 2022.

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