ADR Data Quality: Lessons from Outreach

DISQ will provide a summary of ADR data quality in 2022 and improvements for 2023. Presenters will focus on the data elements that were most difficult to submit, potential reasons for incomplete data, and strategies to improve completeness for the 2023 submission.

Webinar Sections

Introduction (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of webinar, recommendations for those new to the ADR.

Data Management Practices (4:48)

How ADAPs gather data and create the XML file for the ADR. Plus, a few strategies to improve ADR data quality.

Demographic and Enrollment Data Quality Issues (17:21)

Challenges and strategies for demographic data quality and common data quality issues and strategies for enrollment data.

 Insurance Data Quality Issues (30:10)

Common issues and strategies for improving accuracy in insurance data. Plus, a definition of full vs partial premiums.

Medication Data Quality Issues (44:28)

Common data quality issues and strategies for medication data.

Clinical Data Quality Issues (46:17)

Challenges and strategies for clinical data quality.

Tools and TA Resources for the ADR (50:54)

Tools available for data review, overview of TA providers, ADR submission timeline, overview of TA providers, and additional ADR resources .

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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