AETC Data Quality: Part 1

This is the first of two trainings developed to support Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part F AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Programs by providing insight on priority data elements, strategies for more efficient data management processes, and sharing tips for high-quality data submissions.

Remote video URL

Webinar Sections

  • Introduction, Agenda (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of the webinar
  • Overview of AETC Submission Process (1:08)
    High-Level Overview of the AETC Submission process and use of ER & PIF Data
  • Data Quality Overview (4:56)
    A summary and analysis of AETC data that has been collected
  • Missing Data and Priority Data Elements (6:40)
    A deep dive into missing data, the importance of data quality and how AETCs use the data
  • Data Quality Workshop (11:32)
    Some tips, tricks and best practices for report Submission

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