AETC National Coordinating Resource Center (NCRC)

HIV clinical training and capacity building resources for the AETC Program of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (e.g., curricula, slides, fact sheets categorized by clinical topic, populations and training methods). The AETC NCRC also facilitates collaboration and communication across regional AETCs. Site includes:

  • Training (e.g., National HIV Curriculum, Clinical Conferences, webinars, training tools)
  • Library (tools, manuals, by topic, population)
  • Consultation (National Clinician Consultation Center)
  • Directory (of regional and national AETC sites)
  • Community (e.g., newsletters, ShareSpot blog)
  • Calendar (upcoming events)

This resource was developed by

AETC National Coordinating Resource Center (NCRC)
Logo for the AIDS Education and Training Center

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