AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Manual

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Manual is for ADAP Directors and staff, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part B Program Directors and staff, and others interested in ADAP.

An ADAP is a State/Territory-administered program authorized under Part B of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program that provides FDA-approved medications to low-income individuals with HIV disease who have limited or no coverage from private insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare. Program funds may also be used to purchase health insurance for eligible clients and for services that enhance access to, adherence to, and monitoring of drug treatments. Each State and Territory operates an ADAP, and each is unique. ADAPs vary in their administrative structures and the mechanisms they use to ensure HIV medications are available to eligible individuals living with HIV.

With this in mind, the Manual is designed to serve as:

  • An orientation guide for new ADAP staff, with sections explaining the purpose of ADAP, how it is structured at the Federal and State/Territory level, and the key issues and strategies used by ADAPs to broaden access to HIV medications to persons in need.
  • A reference document for ADAP staff on legislative and program requirements.
  • A tool to guide ADAPs in managing their fiscal and program components. Overseeing a State/Territory ADAP is an ongoing endeavor of refining and reassessing operations in order to ensure and expand access to HIV medications and pursue cost-saving and cost cutting strategies within the complex and evolving U.S. and State/Territory-specific health care systems.

Summary of Changes

This manual includes the following key changes from the previous version (issued 2016:

  • Incorporates requirements set forth in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)’s release of the Uniform Administrative Requirements codified by HHS in 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 75;
  • Updates information to reflect HRSA HAB Policy Clarification Notices (PCN) published since the last manual update in 2015;
  • Updates language to provide clarification on ADAP-specific issues based on questions received by HRSA HAB since the last manual update.

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