February 5, 2020 Athena EHR/RSR User Group call summary notes and resource links. Other resources will be added as they become available. Subscribe for User Group Updates Supporting Files Summary of First Quarterly Athena Systems User Call Summary of Second Quarterly Athena Systems User Call Part of Collection EHR User Resources Developed by Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team On This Page We'd like your feedback Was this page helpful? No Yes I found this page helpful because the content on the page: Check all that apply Had the information I needed Was presented in a user-friendly format Was trustworthy Was up-to-date Was written clearly I did not find this page helpful because the content on the page: Check all that apply Had too little information Had too much information Was confusing Was out-of-date Was poorly formatted Other reason or comment Please include an email address if you would like a response Other comment or reason Please include an email address if you would like a response Did you use this approach in your work? Yes Not yet No If yes, would you be willing to share your experience using the information from this profile in your work with the Best Practices team? Please leave your name and contact information below. Not yet because I am still gathering information and have not made a decision yet I plan to use this approach in my work but have not started implementation yet Other comment or reason Enter other… If no, why not? Not relevant to my program Not relevant to my service population Had too little information to replicate the approach Other comment or reason Enter other… Leave this field blank