Completing the ADR: Recipient Report & Client Level Data Upload

This webinar will review the process for completing the ADAP Data Report (ADR) and how to upload the client-level data file.

Webinar Sections

Introduction (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and learning objectives.

ADR Overview & Submission Timeline (5:30)

Overview of components of the ADR and submission timeline. Plus, resources for the 2023 ADR changes.

Accessing the ADR  (7:47)

Step-by-step overview of accessing the ADR. 

Completing the Recipient Report (10:00)

Step-by-step overview of how one will complete the Recipient report portion of the ADR.

Uploading the Client Level Data Report (19:15)

Instructions on uploading the Client-level Data Report portion of the ADR.

Validating and Submitting the ADR (25:53)

Instructions on validating & submitting the ADR.

ADR Webinars & TA Resources (30:21)

Review of the upcoming ADR webinars and Technical Assistance (TA) resources available to ADAPs.


This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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