Completing the EHE Triannual Module RECIPIENT Report

This webinar features an overview of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Triannual Module. We’ll review step-by-step instructions for completing  the EHE Triannual Recipient Report with additional information on the submission timeline and other technical assistance resources available.

Please note, RWHAP EHE recipients and EHE funded providers are required to submit the EHE Triannual Report. Review the entire EHE Triannual Report submission timeline here

Webinar Sections

Introduction, Agenda (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of webinar.

What is the EHE Triannual Report? (5:03)

Background on what the EHE Triannual Report is and who needs to complete it.

EHE Triannual Report (9:00)

Review of the steps to access the EHE Triannual Report.

EHE Initiative Services (12:56)

Review of the reporting requirements for funding in the GCMS under the Service Category: EHE Initiative Services, as well as a review of EHE Carryover funding.

EHE Services and Provider Report Example (18:58)

A walk through of listing the right services in EHE contracts and how they would be reported. Plus, a mini-quiz to test your understanding.

EHE Triannual Recipient Report (25:32)

Continuation of the steps to access and complete the EHE Triannual Recipient Report.

Submission Timeline and TA Resources (32:07)

A look at the submission timeline for the EHE and TA resources available to EHE recipients and providers.

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