Completing the 2023 RSR Provider Report

This webinar features step-by-step instructions on how to complete the 2023 RSR Provider Report. Topics covered include uploading client-level data, modifying service delivery sites, and addressing alerts and warnings in the RSR web system.

Webinar Sections

Introduction, Agenda (0:00)

Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, agenda and learning objectives.

Background of the RSR (2:53)

Background information on the RSR, including new Provider Report Changes, and overview of which agencies are expected to complete their own report.

Accessing the RSR Provider Report (9:58)

Step-by-step guide to accessing the report via the HRSA EHBs.

Completing the Provider Report Sections (19:01)

Overview of the RSR Provider Report’s six sections, including the clients by zip code section.

Uploading and Reviewing Your Data (38:09)

Reviewing data quality and formatting, how to remove a client-level data file, and how to validate and submit the report.

Submission Timeline, upcoming RSR Webinars and TA Resources (43:51)

Review of the submission timeline, upcoming RSR Webinars, and available TA resources.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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