Connecting to Care: Addressing Unmet Need in HIV

These workbooks describe ways to help connect people living with HIV/AIDS to medical care. They were created as part of a project to document effective strategies for engagement in a way that others could adapt and adopt.

  • Workbook I describes 17 different activities that were developed and implemented in nine different cities. Activities include: Adherence Protocol, After Care Plan, Clinicians Reaching Out, Deployed Case Management, Early Intervention Nurse, Financial Advocacy, Heartline Hotline, HIV Care Coordinator, Intake Housing Referral, Inter-agency Networking, Primary Care Liaison, Snapshot Viral Load Testing, Support Group, Support Retreat, Teen Peer Outreach, Woman-to-Woman Support, Zip Code Mapping.

  • Workbook II contains 25 projects, and includes approaches for keeping rural patients connected. Also programs to link recently incarcerated patients to a support network are presented. Projects include: Bus Route To Care, Call In Radio Program VIH y Communidad, Care Renewal By Post, Community Resource Videoconference, Family Mapping, Food Processing Plant Outreach, Get There Together HIV Education, Getting Started Intake Case Management, HIV Advisory Support Group, HIV Ministry Emergency Shelter, Holiday Social, Home Based Treatment Coordinator, Lunch and Learn , Managing Our HIV Workshop Series, Medical Advocate Discharge Planning, Midnight Hour Outreach, Peer Mentor Escort To Care, Rapid HIV Testing at Jail Intake, Substance Use Discharge Liaison, Transgender Post-Release Case Management, Traveling HIV Clinic, Treatment Adherence Nurse, Triage Counseling, Women's Halfway Housing HIV Education.


  • Estos cuadernos describen la manera de asistir a conectar personas que viven con VIH/SIDA con el sistema médico. 

Supporting Files

Developed by

AIDS United

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