Creating the RSR Client-Level Data File

Overview of different tools available to create the client-level data file, including RSR-Ready Systems and TRAX. Participants will learn how RSR-Ready Systems are getting up to speed with eligible service reporting requirements and receive tips for creating the RSR using electronic health record (EHR) data.

Webinar Sections

Introduction (0:00)

Purpose of webinar Presenter introductions, agenda and learning objectives.

Overview of Requirements (3:06)

Brief overview of what's required in the client-level data XML file.

RSR-Ready Systems (7:03)

Overview of available RSR-Ready Systems and best practices for using them.

Your Own Export Function (17:17)

Tips for creating your own XML export function.

TRAX (19:32)

A free tool to create the requisite data file without using or manually entering data into a RSR-Ready System.

Uploading and Reviewing Your Data (24:23)

An overview of what an XML is, the process for uploading and reviewing your data, as well as key resources. 

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team, Ryan White Data Support

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