Data Reporting Requirements for EHE-funded Recipients and Providers

In this webinar, we will outline reporting requirements for EHE-funded recipients and providers, review how to collect and compile required data, and discuss common challenges for EHE reporting.

Webinar Sections

  • Introduction, Agenda (0:00)
    Purpose of the webinar, presenter introductions, outline of webinar.

  • Overview of the EHE (3:50)
    Brief overview of the Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative funding and associated terminology.

  • Reporting Requirements of EHE Recipients (8:45)
    Information on reporting requirements for EHE funded jurisdictions (recipients), including information on the GCMS.
  • Reporting Requirements of EHE Providers (12:58)
    Information on who should be reported on the RSR and in the EHE Triannual Report for Providers funded by the EHE.
  • Reporting Requirements for both Recipients and Providers (19:36)
     Tips for Recipients and Providers to promote good quality data for both reports and implications for data systems.
  • Common Areas of Confusion (27:37)
    Clarifying common areas of confusion that recipients and providers share during TA.
  • TA Resources (37:51)
    Webinars and resources available to recipients and providers in completing the EHE Triannual Report and RSR.

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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