DISQ Office Hours: Gender-Affirming Data Collection

DISQ “Office Hours” are technical assistance opportunities that allow Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) recipient and provider staff to talk with their peers in an informal setting about specific technical challenges and solutions. These hour-long calls include a short presentation by a RWHAP recipient or provider about their data management approach. The remainder of the call provides an opportunity for participants to discuss and ask questions.

Collecting data on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) using gender-affirming approaches is critical to providing high-quality, patient-centered care and reducing health disparities. Join this discussion to learn about new approaches to gender-affirming demographic data collection among RWHAP agencies. Presenters: Cecilia Gentili (CAI), Elisabeth Meyer and Eduardo Gabrieloff (Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)

If you have questions, please contact the DISQ Team.

Introduction (0:00)

Introductions, review of the agenda and purpose of the discussion.

Cecilia Gentili - HIV Services for Trans Clients (3:53)

Overview of considerations for providing inclusive HIV services to Trans clients.

Considerations for RSR Reporting Requirements (23:15)

How to make sure your agency's process for asking questions about sex/gender, sexual orientation, and sexual activity to be more inclusive also considers the RSR reporting requirements to maintain high quality data.

Elisabeth Meyer & Eduardo Gabrieloff – Case example from Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (27:33)

Overview of Colorado's gender-affirming data collection processes, transition to the COHEART system,  and lessons learned.



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