DISQ RSR Orientation Calls

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DISQ RSR Orientation Calls are a technical assistance (TA) platform that allow participants new to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and/or Ryan White Services Report (RSR) to get a quick orientation to the Client Level Data (CLD) file and get connected to individual TA.

RSR Orientation Calls are hosted in the fall. Each hour-long call will focus on orienting staff to the RSR based on their specific data system approach. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions. Written Q&A summaries for each call are posted below under Supporting Files. 

General RSR Orientation

Tuesday, September 17, 2024-12PM EST

Are you new to the RWHAP or RSR? This discussion group will help you get oriented. The DISQ Team will provide general information on the structure of the program, RSR reporting requirements, and common strategies used to create the RSR client-level data file. Then, we want to hear from you! Bring your questions and concerns to share with DISQ and your peers.


Recipients (Non-provider)

Tuesday, October 8, 2024-12PM EST
Recipients who manage subrecipient RSR reporting face a unique set of challenges and tasks. If you’re new to the RSR, you may be feeling overwhelmed with these responsibilities. The DISQ Team will provide an overview of common recipient data management approaches and the RSR workflow, including how you can promote high-quality data submissions from your subrecipients. Then, we want to hear from you! Bring your questions and concerns to share with DISQ and your peers.


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