DISQ RSR Orientation Calls

DISQ "RSR Orientation Calls" are a technical assistance (TA) platform that allow participants new to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and/or Ryan White Services Report (RSR) to get a quick orientation to the Client Level Data (CLD) file and get connected to individual TA.

RSR Orientation Calls are hosted in the fall. Each hour-long call will focus on orienting staff to the RSR based on their specific data system approach. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions. Written Q&A summaries for each call are posted below under Supporting Files. 

Upcoming RSR Orientation Calls



Subject & Audience

TBA for fall 2024



Past RSR Orientation Calls

DateSubject & Audience
October 19, 2023TRAX for the RSR
October 5, 2023Recipients (Non-provider)
September 21, 2023General RSR Orientation

This resource was developed by

Data Integration, Systems and Quality (DISQ) Team

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