Engaging Community in HIV Planning: Challenges, Successes, and Opportunities

Overview of jurisdictional challenges to sustained community engagement in HIV planning activities. Also presented are highlights of innovative approaches and practices used by jurisdictions, as identified from the IHAP review of  2022-2026 Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans. 

Guest speakers from Pennsylvania, Michigan and Detroit discussed Innovative approaches in engaging community in integrated planning.

Sample Dashboard:
The Pennsylvania Department of Health’s HIV Prevention and Care Project developed and maintains a Trello dashboard of their Integrated HIV Prevention & Care Plan activities and progress, used for sharing progress with stakeholders. Click here to access the dashboard!

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how community engagement strengthens integrated planning
  • Identify three common challenges of community engagement in integrated planning
  • Recall three strategies to increase or strengthen community engagement
  • Identify at least one engagement strategy that can be tailored or adapted to their context

The first video is in English, the second in Spanish (audio en ingles y español).

Remote video URL

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