The Enhanced Estimates and Analyses of the Updated Unmet Need Framework: Going Beyond the Basics

This webinar provides an introduction to the enhanced estimates and analyses of the updated Unmet Need Framework to RWHAP Part A and Part B recipients. The webinar also focuses on:

  • Additional estimates and analyses, including using RWHAP data for Unmet Need, In Care/Not Virally Suppressed and target population analyses
  • Geographic and sub-population analyses using both HIV surveillance and RWHAP data
  • Discussion and use polls to test knowledge
  • Resources, including the Unmet Need Manual and the Required Reporting Templates and Optional Calculation Tables

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the enhanced components of the updated Unmet Need Framework.
  • Identify key steps in completing the enhanced estimates and analyses.
  • Identify available resources to support implementation of the updated Unmet Need Framework.

This resource was developed by

Unmet Need Training and TA Team

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