Enhanced Unmet Need Estimates and Analyses: Using Data for Local Planning

This webinar highlights the enhanced components of the Unmet Need Framework and the use of these estimates and analyses for planning. While these enhanced estimates and analyses are not required, this webinar will outline how the enhanced analyses can be beneficial for Part A and B recipients for use in local planning activities. This includes use of sub-population and geographic analyses to target outreach, testing, Early Intervention Services, and other initiatives. Presenters will discuss specific applications of these data and analyses for a jurisdiction’s planning processes.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the components of the Unmet Need enhanced estimates and analyses.
  2. Identify at least three specific ways a jurisdiction can use the enhanced analyses from the updated Unmet Need Framework for local planning and decision making.

Target Audience

RWHAP Part A and Part B staff, including Administrators, Analysts, Planners and Data Managers, HIV surveillance staff

This resource was developed by

HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Unmet Need Training and TA Team

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