PrEP access and use remain unequal in the United States, with women overall accessing it at a fraction of the rates of men. Meanwhile, one in five new HIV cases annually occurs in women. The overwhelming majority of Black women. Transgender women specifically, are at an even greater risk for HIV acquisition and oftentimes lack access to competent care to access primary care.
When we think about health centers and all the work that is done with Black communities, we cannot leave HIV prevention and care for Black women out of the conversation.
- Keosha Bond, M.D. Assistant Medical Professor, City University of New York School of Medicine
- Tori Cooper, Director of Community Engagement for the Trans Justice Initiative Human Rights Campaign
- Latesha Elopre, M.D. Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Alexandra Walker, Director of Digital Communications, National Association of Community Health Centers.